Demands of ABSL member companies concerning the ‘protection package for businesses’ in connection with the COVID-19 epidemic
On 18 March 2020, in the name of ABSL member companies, we submitted a number of demands to the government concerning its ‘protection package for businesses’ in connection with the COVID-19 epidemic. We also declared our readiness to cooperate and consult on legal and tax solutions to support the Polish economy during this time that is difficult for everyone, including businesses.
Concerning tax and finance
1. Postponement of the deadline for submitting tax declarations and depositions, and the possibility of remote communication with the tax authorities.
2. Acquisition of documents in paper form from other jurisdictions (residence certificates, statements and other documents required by law).
3. Restoration of the possibility to apply quarterly VAT settlement for all taxpayers, and simplification of the procedures for using funds collected on VAT accounts.
4. Financial statements for 2019 – extension of deadlines by at least 2 months.
5. The Act on an amendment of certain acts in order to limit payment delays of 19 July 2019 (hereinafter: the “Payment Delay Act”) – inter alia, postponement of the first reporting obligation to 2022.
6. Tax on retail sales – postponement until at least the end of the current year.
7. Withholding tax – extension of the period for postponing the application of Article 26 par. 2e of the CIT Act (currently to 30 June 2020).
8. TP-R scheme reporting – extension of the deadline for form submission to the end of 2020.
9. Postponement of consultations on certain acts of law, including the draft Act on the taxation of certain digital services and the Digital Technology Fund and on the taxation of digital giants and the creation of a Digital Technology Fund, and the draft ‘holiday for startups’.
Legal labour regulations and the labour market
10. Teleworking in companies located within an SEZ.
11. Medical examinations and Health & Safety.
12. Implementation of activities supporting employers and employees.