13 September 2022
World Values Day: Inclusive language debate with Adam Bodnar and Szczepan Twardoch & a flashmob accross Poland!
As the world moves on, so does the #WorkingTogether program. We can’t wait for the upcoming autumn with numerous initiatives and new ideas! And you are very welcome to join us and make the sector a more inclusive place!
On 20 October, which marks the World Values Day, in cooperation with city authorities, we plan to start a flashmob action in which employees from all Chapter cities will form a “TOGETHER” sign and take part in a competition for the most creative execution of this task.
Join us in the following locations:
– Kraków, Quattro Business Park
– Poznań, Business Garden Poznań
– Trójmiasto – Olivia Centre
– Warszawa, Plac Europejski 1
– Wrocław, Business Garden Wrocław
But first, let us know if you’re coming here!
In case of any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Katarzyna Targoszyńska: katarzyna.targoszynska@absl.pl who is the #WorkingTogether program coordinator.