ABSL against vetoing the EU budget
ABSL has signed an appeal as one of 9 members of the Enterprise Council against blocking the adoption of the European Union’s 2021-2027 budget and recovery fund.
blocking the EU budget will have disastrous consequences for Poland – both in terms of the internal and international situation;
the EU budget will be limited to minimum expenditure, which means that we can forget about funds for investments and payments from the cohesion fund – which benefit poorer regions, as well as support for rural development, research and education programs;
the government wants to deprive Poles of access to a special Next Generation EU fund worth nearly EUR 800 billion, the aim of which is to revive the economies of the Member States tormented by the current crisis;
With the current deficit of public finances, the government's decision may lead to an increase in taxes;
There is a real risk that the governments of other Member States will agree on aid programs bypassing Poland.