JANUSZ DZIURZYŃSKI, BAT Digital Business Solutions Poland

JANUSZ DZIURZYŃSKI, BAT Digital Business Solutions Poland


Janusz is a senior leader with broad international experience in establishing and managing advanced business services, technology, and transformation initiatives.

Since March 2021, Janusz has been serving as the General Manager of BAT Digital Business Solutions Poland.

Starting in May 2019, he joined Accenture Strategy & Consulting as the Principal Director in Technology Advisory.

Throughout 2018, he held the position of Business Development Director at OEX Group and served as a Board Member at ArchiDoc S.A., a leading Polish business services provider.

Prior to that, he spent over 20 years as an IT and Global Business Service Leader at Procter & Gamble, a prominent global player in the consumer packaged goods industry. In this role, he was responsible for numerous regional and global business and technology transformations, including significant organizational redesigns.

He oversaw the establishment and management of the second-largest IT center in the P&G global network, located in Warsaw, Poland. His responsibilities included overseeing critical business services and solutions, such as business intelligence, analytics, master data management, direct-to-consumer solutions, and planning capabilities.

Janusz is one of the founders of ABSL (Association of Business Service Leaders in Poland) and has been a member of its board since 2009. In 2017, he was elected to the Strategic Board and was re-elected in 2019 to assume the role of ABSL Summit and Conferences Lead. In November 2020, he was appointed as the Head of Management of ABSL, serving as the President of ABSL in Poland.

Janusz graduated from Warsaw University of Technology and holds an MBA certified by three leading European universities.

He spent over four years at P&G's European headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.


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