Positive social impact matters
Social impact leaders play a vital role in developing a society. They are the integrators who understand the importance of the open public dialogue to create better understanding about the realities of the unprivileged or socially excluded groups and individuals. They speak up for human dignity and equal development opportunities to all. The values so essential for the sustainable business growth – also for the business services sector in Poland. As only free of any kind of discrimination inclusive workplace enable to attract, retain and develop the best talent. It is also a foundation for attracting foreign investment in any given country.
Consequently, business cannot afford to ignore the social impact of their business or the interests of their wider stakeholders. At ISS – for instance – making the world work better starts with our belief in creating a fair and inclusive society. We take care of, and provide opportunity for people, helping them to develop themselves. As a global business employing almost half a million of people in a number of countries, it is our responsibility to positively influence the lives of our employees.
We – the employers – have a responsibility to provide the environment for people to be respected, to learn and get new skills which in turn advances social mobility. The organisations as ours, are the catalyst for social integration – as they provide many people with their first job, help them settle in a new country and support their lifelong learning and career plan. Education is the enabler of that change – by educating employees in craft and life skills, a momentum for wider change is being created. Sometimes this relates even to basic training as for instance languages, internet and computer courses, as upgrading such skills arms people with the tools to begin their journey at work and also their private lives.
The responsible business should aim to be a social mobility engine that provides people the opportunity to live better their lives through their work experience and training, so they can come closer to their career and life aspirations. Therefore, the foundation for the sustainable business growth for a socially responsible organisation should be built upon respect also for underserved populations.
Source: ISS
ISS is the Main Partner of ABSL Appreciation Gala 2021, an event honouring individuals and organizations supporting the sectors development, including Poland's social impact leaders.