Enterprise Council appeals: National Recovery Plan crucial for Poland's economy

The Entrepreneurship Council’s call 

for an immediate unblocking funds from the National Recovery Plan

The situation in Poland is now approaching a crisis point. Very high and firmly entrenched inflation stalks our land, and an ever increasing economic slowdown is once again signaling a screeching halt in economic activity.

Unblocking funds from the National Recovery Plan a necessity to retain the lifeblood of the Polish economy. We cannot condone such difficult economic and geopolitical challenges as well as decisions regarding the future of our country as well as pontifications based purely on political grounds that merely represent a proportion of the Polish population. Nor is it acceptable to irretrievably lose what the Polish economy has gained over the years.

The best way to deal with inflation and the economic slowdown is to increase production - i.e. investment. Only this will ensure development and allow independence from Russian supply. They will also save jobs.

Let us remember that without investment, many companies are threatened with bankruptcy. And it is enterprises that decide not only the strength of our state and guarantee its security but also ensures the livelihood of Polish families. In today's reality, it is impossible to increase investment without the contribution from the National Recovery Plan. Giving up such a large source of funding and further aggravating the political situation within EU partners is an irrational and dangerous action that weakens our state at a time of war. It is in fact, not a defense, but an attack from within while the Polish nation faces external challenges.

NRP money is necessary for entrepreneurs, local governments, and the people. The leading indicators of the Polish economic situation, and those of the Central Statistical Office, leave no illusions - apart from the pandemic, there has been no worse time for Polish businesses than today. In some respects, the situation is even worse than during the pandemic, for example when it comes to the investment mood of entrepreneurs they are almost unanimous in their opinion that there is a slump in demand. KPO funds are not only a chance to survive a difficult time and mitigate the effects of the crisis, but also to create an opportunity to compete on an equal footing with EU companies that already receive such money.

The main reason why NRP remains blocked is the lack of achievement regarding justice-related milestones. Poland should achieve these as soon as possible in order to remedy the failed and badly judged judicial reform - to guarantee greater independence of the courts and to protect Polish workers’ jobs.

The sole responsibility for Poland's lack of access regarding KPO lies at the door of the government and the ruling party. It is solely down to the Polish government and the ruling party to show the will and action needed to ensure that KPO funds reach Poland. In this case silence is not a virtue and will be understood as a failure of tis government.

It is therefore high time to put an end to the purely political rhetoric and blame-shifting pantomime for this entire situation. Real action is needed as Polish workers’ jobs are at risk. These funds must actually flow to the Polish people because the macroeconomic stability of our country depends on it. This political stalemate must be broken immediately. Continuing it would be a failure of the Polish nation.