Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Development
Since April 9th, 2020 – Deputy Prime Minister. Since November 15th, 2019 – Minister of Development. Earlier – since January 9th, 2018 – Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology. And since November 27th, 2015 – Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Development.
Holds responsibility for the economy, construction and tourism divisions. As the Minister of Development, she was the co-creator of the Anti-Crisis Shield, aiming to prevent the negative impact of the Coronavirus epidemic on the Polish economy and labour market.
As the Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology, she has implemented a variety of measures for facilitating business, such as, for instance: the new Public Procurement Law,
programs of preferential contributions to the Polish Social Insurance Institution (“Mały ZUS” and “Mały ZUS Plus”), Succession Management Act, SME Package, the Act on Preventing Payment Bottlenecks, Friendly Law Package or an Act introducing the Polish Investment Zone. The Business Constitution was introduced during her term of office.
She has taken and supported measures for counteracting smog and the dissemination of RSE, including the Clean Air Programme and the Energy Plus Programme. As well as pro-innovative measures, such as tax relief on R&D expenditures, IP Box, Start in Poland Programme or the Future Industry Platform.
She is a graduate of the Institute of Political Science of the Jagiellonian University. She has started her doctoral studies at the Faculty of International and Political Studies of the Jagiellonian University. She received a scholarship at the Oxford University and the American Council on Germany Programme, Dräger Foundation, ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius. Since 2003 she has been cooperating with the Tischner European University in Cracow.
Between 1999 and 2002 she was employed at the Foreign Affairs Department of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister.
In 2009 - the manager of the Museum of Poland under the Communist Regime in Cracow.
A social activist and an author of numerous scientific publications. The former President of the Better Poland Foundation the Vice-President of Jarosław Gowin’s Porozumienie political party.